Lash to kayaks, bikes and 4WDs with confidence, or add a Dry Bag Sling for comfortable hands-free carrying. Big River Dry Bags are a durable and abrasion resistant option that uses a strong 420D nylon fabric. If your idea of outdoor recreation involves rugged water sports like kayaking, canoeing, rafting, or motorcycle touring, they are the perfect storage bags to keep your gear dry.
A white interior laminate affords greater visibility, and lash loops allow secure stacking or attachment to watercraft, motorcycles and other equipment. The hypalon non-wicking roll-top closure keeps water out, and the Field Repair Buckles can be replaced in seconds with just a Philips screwdriver. It also was designed with an oval base to save space when packing and prevent it from rolling away.
- Low-profile grab handles for snag resistance
- Triple-coated base increase waterproof resistance and resists environmental wear and tear
- Super strong 420D nylon withstands serious abrasion, punctures and tension
- Multiple last points provide versatility for mounting to kayaks, bikes, motorbikes and 4WDs
- Waterproof, double stitched, reinforced, tape sealed seams
- Waterproof non-wicking roll top closure does not wick moisture
- White interior for greater interior visibility
- NEW oval base prevents rolling away and packs better
- BEST USE: Paddle Sports & Motorcycle Touring
- CLOSURE: Non-wicking hypalon roll-top closure
- REPAIR BUCKLE SIZE: 3/4in / 20 mm (2-Pin)
- SHAPE: Oval base
- DIMENSIONS: 38.1 x 35.2 x 71.8 cm
- WEIGHT: 433 g